LOLOK! Do you REALLY think that pretending you're not shleazy shlimy shubhuman sheinie 'shyshadmin' yidoid shpamming shub-louse Barry Z, Shein (age 63 - LOLOK) infesting B'righton Mass will HELP you sheinie Shein?
(too old to reply)
Michael Ejercito
2016-10-08 14:18:46 UTC
Well, no.

You were FLUSHED out SIX YEARS ago and you thought it was shafe to
shurface...now you've been FLUSHED out again!

You may, as well crawl back under your jew rock for ANOTHER six years!



The joo 'survivors'®™ sing this song
Doo-dah doo-dah
The Auschwitz®™ train track's five miles long
Oh, de doo-dah day

Gwine to cheat all day
Gwine to scam all night
I put my money on the Madoff plan
And the whole thing turned to shite

Oh, the long nosed jewboi and his big black hat
Doo-dah doo-dah
Come to a shithole and they all love that
Oh, de doo-dah day

Gwine to cheat all day
Gwine to scam all night
I put my money on the Madoff plan
And the whole thing turned to shite

The Foreskin Peeler sings this song
Doo-dah doo-dah
Wait for greeking far too long
Oh, de dooh-dah day

Gwine to peel all day
Gwine to suck all night
I put my money in a big Grik bank
And all all I got was shite
2016-10-08 14:23:35 UTC
nazoid swine Andrew "Andrzej" Baron, forging as Michael Ejercito, wrote:


You know my REAL name, and REAL e-mail: ***@theworld.com.

The only "connection" Mr. Shein has to all this is that he happens
to run the ISP I use. That's all. You know that, and everyone
who can use Google knows that.

You're going down the tubes, old man. Is it because, after 20 years
of cowardly stalking, harassing, and committing numerous crimes, your
real identity was FINALLY exposed? Eh, "vistula"?

Barry Z. Shein
2016-10-08 16:37:20 UTC
Post by Michael Ejercito
Well, no.
You were FLUSHED out SIX YEARS ago and you thought it was shafe to
shurface...now you've been FLUSHED out again!
You may, as well crawl back under your jew rock for ANOTHER six years!
Well, yes.

2016-10-08 18:17:52 UTC
nazoid swine Andrew "Andrzej" Baron, forging as Michael Ejercito, wrote:


You know my REAL name, and REAL e-mail: ***@theworld.com.

The only "connection" Mr. Shein has to all this is that he happens
to run the ISP I use. That's all. You know that, and everyone
who can use Google knows that.

You tried it with "Peeler" too -- attacking his ISP. Didn't work either.

You're going down the tubes, old man. Is it because, after 20 years
of cowardly stalking, harassing, and committing numerous crimes, your
real identity was FINALLY exposed? Eh, "vistula"?

"LOMP"! I mean, you're such a miserable excuse, not for a HUMAN... but
even for a LOUSE!
